Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Should I really wait till at least 27 weeks for my 3D ultrasound?

I often hear clients, (understandably very exited about seeing their new baby) ask, do you really recommend I wait till 27 weeks for my 3D sonogram? The answer is unaquivintly YES!

The fetus doubles its weight in the last 3 months of pregnancy, therefore before 27 weeks it's really small. It's very cute any time, but if you want clear facial shots, it is really worth the wait.

An advantage of coming earlier is that you get to see more of the fetus in one picture.

The major disadvantage of coming earlier is that the face has not "chubbed" out yet. The features are much more prominant after 27 weeks.

Another advantage of waiting past 27 weeks is that the fetus starts opening its eyes at 26 weeks. You have a much better chance of seeing it blink and open its eyes at a later stage.

So please hold on tight and wait if you can. Don't overdo it, as fetuses over 33 weeks may become too big to be seen well.

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